Information about listings on Destination Palo Alto

Restaurants, hotel, motels and bed and breakfast lodging located in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Los Altos, Redwood City and San Carlos are eligible for free listings on, the mid-Peninsula's most-visited source for visitor information. If your listing is not included on the site or information is not correct, let us know by using one of these two forms: Restaurant Listings | Lodging Listings. We'll get you added or the information updated.

If you want to take your listing to the next level, Destination Palo Alto has several options to enhance your presence on the site. Use the options below to pick an option.

* Featured listings are limited.

* Featured listings are limited.

Note: If you have questions about any of these programs, please contact us. If you've purchased an enhancement to your listing, you'll be contacted for how to send the photo for the listings, or you can use these forms to send us the information: Restaurant Listings | Lodging Listings. All programs start immediately and will be activated onto the site within one to two business days.

Printed Visitor Guide

A local, printed Visitor Guide is published several times a year as a special project of the Palo Alto Weekly. There are additional advertising options available in that physical product. For more information on rates, please contact us and we'll pass your information along.